Part 2: 6 Ways to Get Rid of Your Tension Headache
August 25, 2016Here is Part 2 on how you can get rid of that tension headache!
3. Trigger Point Release with a Theracane
Does your significant other run away when you ask for a massage? Lets be real, no one likes massaging anyone. No worries! We have our handy dandy Theracane! Theracanes are amazing to reduce muscle trigger points! You can purchase a Theracane online on Amazon.
- Place the Theracane on your muscle trigger points.
- Apply the pressure for a total of 90 seconds and watch your trigger point melt away! The trapezius trigger point is placed at the base of your neck. The levator scapula trigger point is placed near the very top, corner of the shoulder blade closest to the middle of your back. The sub-occipital trigger point is below the bony bump at the base of your skull.
4. Trigger Point Release with Tennis balls
This technique is great to release the tension in your sub-occipital muscles. It is very common to get headaches when the sub-occipital muscles are tight!
- Tape together 2 tennis balls.
- Lay on a flat surface or stand up against a wall.
- Place tennis balls at the base of your skull.
- You can either apply a constant pressure on the tender point for 90 seconds or roll your head side to side or nod your head to work out the trigger points!
5. Ice
Place ice around your neck for 30 minutes. This helps reduce muscular tension! Also, it feels amazing on a super hot day! I recommend buying a cervical, fancy word for neck, pack online! Ice Ice Baby
6. Heat
Place a heating pack around your neck for 15 – 20 minutes to reduce muscle tension. You can use a heating pad or a microwavable pack. This technique is also beneficial to improve the mobility of the joints and flexibility of your muscles!
If you continue to have headaches, go see your friendly neighborhood physical therapist. They can help get rid of your horrible tension headaches!
If you have not read “6 Ways to Get Rid of Your Tension Headache. Part 1,” check it out.
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