“I got my 2nd degree black belt in karate after my hip recovered!”
– John Saintignon
John Saintignon
I am an older student who decided to go for my black belt in Karate and for a couple of years before my test, I noticed that my hip was giving me pain. I am also a professional basketball coach, and when I walk the sidelines, I would limp and deal with an intense sharp pain that was like shards of glass piercing my hip. The damage was due to the surfaces that I played on during my career as a basketball player. I would play basketball outside and my body was starting to catch up with the wear and tear from being a professional athlete.
I went to an orthopedic surgeon who suggested that it was my own pain to deal with and there was not much they could do. From time to time I could have a cortisone shot to help, but I was told to not have surgery and to learn how to live with the pain.
I went to the Coury & Buehler Physical Therapy in Orange, which was near where I lived, and I met with David Hodges, PT, DPT, OCS, CSCS as my physical therapist. We did a few sessions to make my pain go away. Ultimately, I decided that I was going to have a hip replacement after I had taken my Black Belt test. All went well and I decided to find David Hodges, PT, DPT, OCS, CSCS again for my treatment. This time he had relocated to Lake Forest and I commuted to him for my rehabilitation because I trust him and I know that he was going to help get me better! It was great to be with him on my road to recovery as well as the rest of the staff. We would all laugh and it was very enjoyable. Since then, I have seen David Hodges, PT, DPT, OCS, CSCS for a number of other issues that have come up either due to my basketball coaching or Karate practice. He always sends me back out to the world ready to go. He is the best!